Aveda Frederic’s Institute chooses Wicanders

4 05 2009

Aveda Fredric's Institute

Aveda Fredric's Institute

The design of Aveda Fredric’s Institute Indianapolis began and ended with the environment and its inhabitants in mind. The design teams were given the task throughout the entire design process of seeking out materials that are eco-friendly and friendly to the end-user of the space. Whether their selections were made from recycled materials, or are recyclable or manufactured in an environmental way with environmentally friendly, sustainable materials, they were challenged to create a difference. Taking the selections one step further, much thought has been given to the psychology of color and the way it can enhance the space for the guests, students and instructors alike. Color was added through the use of varying materials, textures and applications though the flooring, paint, cabinetry, wall materials and fixtures.

Aveda Retail

Aveda Retail

A natural choice for flooring was Wicanders Corkcomfort Glue-down HPS, which was used in the retail space, the cosmetology clinic and in the hallway.  Wicanders offers a flooring solution that is environmentally friendly, aesthetically appealing, durable yet practical.  Specifically designed for high traffic areas, and with a 15 year commercial warranty, Corkcomfort Glue-down tiles have our patented HPS finish.  HPS, or High Performance Surface, works by embedding a fine shield of nano-beads atop the surface layer of the flooring, protecting it from scratches, scuff marks, stains and abrasions.  The unique strength of this finish is that it also protects the natural properties of cork flooring. 

Guest Care and Gifting Center
Guest Care and Gifting Center

Wicanders cork floors with HPS are giving and resilient underfoot, are hygenic and easily cleaned.  Wicanders Corkcomfort Glue down HPS tiles are a perfect choice for salons where students and employees are on their feet all day using chemicals and dyes. 

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