Award-Winning Children’s Hospital Chooses Our Cork Flooring for Play Area

4 08 2008

Hi, everyone!

Team Wicanders here with more exciting news from the world of cork floors…

The need to create a safe, calm, and comfortable children’s play area has led to the installation of Wicanders Series 4000 cork flooring within the central atrium, at the heart of the Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital in Brighton, UK.

Equally exciting, the busy pediatrics hospital won an International Health Care Award, in recognition of its innovative design and promotion of health and wellbeing.

Royal Alexandra Children's Hospital

Royal Alexandra Children's Hospital

Cork Oak Flooring in the Central Atrium

Cork Oak Flooring in the Central Atrium

Cork flooring’s natural warmth and ability to absorb sound helps to create a comfortable play area, where children can unwind and just be kids. The layered assembly of our flooring uses a central cork layer to create a cushioned effect that, unlike hard flooring, absorbs step and impact sound, so the pitter-patter of their little feet doesn’t disturb other little kids that are busy getting well.

Cork Oak’s durability and ease of maintenance also makes our floors a strong choice, as it was essential that the chosen flooring could withstand high levels of wear and frequent cleaning. Plus, cork flooring’s excellent environmental credentials complemented the hospital’s forward-thinking design.

Our Series 4000 is ideal for high traffic commercial and public areas, comprising a cork agglomerate core, natural wood layer and hardwearing surface to deliver high durability. As a really neat side benefit, cork oak floors are naturally hypoallergenic, antimicrobial, insect repellent and anti-static, which is great for big and little kids alike.

Now isn’t it exciting to see how cork, as a fully sustainable and recyclable material, can help the heath care sector to build green?

Team Wicanders

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